HugeGraph Plugin mechanism and plug-in extension process
- HugeGraph is not only open source and open, but also simple and easy to use. General users can easily add plug-in extension functions without changing the source code.
- HugeGraph supports a variety of built-in storage backends, and also allows users to extend custom backends without changing the existing source code.
- HugeGraph supports full-text search. The full-text search function involves word segmentation in various languages. Currently, there are 8 built-in Chinese word breakers, and it also allows users to expand custom word breakers without changing the existing source code.
Scalable dimension
Currently, the plug-in method provides extensions in the following dimensions:
- backend storage
- serializer
- Custom configuration items
- tokenizer
Plug-in implementation mechanism
- HugeGraph provides a plug-in interface HugeGraphPlugin, which supports plug-in through the Java SPI mechanism
- HugeGraph provides four extension registration functions: registerOptions(), registerBackend(), registerSerializer(),registerAnalyzer()
- The plug-in implementer implements the corresponding Options, Backend, Serializer or Analyzer interface
- The plug-in implementer implements register()the method of the HugeGraphPlugin interface, registers the specific implementation class listed in the above point 3 in this method, and packs it into a jar package
- The plug-in user puts the jar package in the HugeGraph Server installation directory plugins, modifies the relevant configuration items to the plug-in custom value, and restarts to take effect
Plug-in implementation process example
1 Create a new maven project
1.1 Name the project name: hugegraph-plugin-demo
1.2 Add hugegraph-core
Jar package dependencies
The details of maven pom.xml are as follows:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns=""
2 Realize extended functions
2.1 Extending a custom backend
2.1.1 Implement the interface BackendStoreProvider
- Realizable interfaces:
- Or inherit an abstract class:
Take the RocksDB backend RocksDBStoreProvider as an example:
public class RocksDBStoreProvider extends AbstractBackendStoreProvider {
protected String database() {
return this.graph().toLowerCase();
protected BackendStore newSchemaStore(String store) {
return new RocksDBSchemaStore(this, this.database(), store);
protected BackendStore newGraphStore(String store) {
return new RocksDBGraphStore(this, this.database(), store);
public String type() {
return "rocksdb";
public String version() {
return "1.0";
2.1.2 Implement interface BackendStore
The BackendStore interface is defined as follows:
public interface BackendStore {
// Store name
public String store();
// Database name
public String database();
// Get the parent provider
public BackendStoreProvider provider();
// Open/close database
public void open(HugeConfig config);
public void close();
// Initialize/clear database
public void init();
public void clear();
// Add/delete data
public void mutate(BackendMutation mutation);
// Query data
public Iterator<BackendEntry> query(Query query);
// Transaction
public void beginTx();
public void commitTx();
public void rollbackTx();
// Get metadata by key
public <R> R metadata(HugeType type, String meta, Object[] args);
// Backend features
public BackendFeatures features();
// Generate an id for a specific type
public Id nextId(HugeType type);
2.1.3 Extending custom serializers
The serializer must inherit the abstract class: org.apache.hugegraph.backend.serializer.AbstractSerializer
( implements GraphSerializer, SchemaSerializer
) The main interface is defined as follows:
public interface GraphSerializer {
public BackendEntry writeVertex(HugeVertex vertex);
public BackendEntry writeVertexProperty(HugeVertexProperty<?> prop);
public HugeVertex readVertex(HugeGraph graph, BackendEntry entry);
public BackendEntry writeEdge(HugeEdge edge);
public BackendEntry writeEdgeProperty(HugeEdgeProperty<?> prop);
public HugeEdge readEdge(HugeGraph graph, BackendEntry entry);
public BackendEntry writeIndex(HugeIndex index);
public HugeIndex readIndex(HugeGraph graph, ConditionQuery query, BackendEntry entry);
public BackendEntry writeId(HugeType type, Id id);
public Query writeQuery(Query query);
public interface SchemaSerializer {
public BackendEntry writeVertexLabel(VertexLabel vertexLabel);
public VertexLabel readVertexLabel(HugeGraph graph, BackendEntry entry);
public BackendEntry writeEdgeLabel(EdgeLabel edgeLabel);
public EdgeLabel readEdgeLabel(HugeGraph graph, BackendEntry entry);
public BackendEntry writePropertyKey(PropertyKey propertyKey);
public PropertyKey readPropertyKey(HugeGraph graph, BackendEntry entry);
public BackendEntry writeIndexLabel(IndexLabel indexLabel);
public IndexLabel readIndexLabel(HugeGraph graph, BackendEntry entry);
2.1.4 Extend custom configuration items
When adding a custom backend, it may be necessary to add new configuration items. The implementation process mainly includes:
- Add a configuration item container class and implement the interface
- Provide a singleton method
public static OptionHolder instance()
, and call the method when the object is initializedOptionHolder.registerOptions()
- Add configuration item declaration, single-value configuration item type is
, multi-value configuration item type isConfigListOption
Take the RocksDB configuration item definition as an example:
public class RocksDBOptions extends OptionHolder {
private RocksDBOptions() {
private static volatile RocksDBOptions instance;
public static synchronized RocksDBOptions instance() {
if (instance == null) {
instance = new RocksDBOptions();
return instance;
public static final ConfigOption<String> DATA_PATH =
new ConfigOption<>(
"The path for storing data of RocksDB.",
public static final ConfigOption<String> WAL_PATH =
new ConfigOption<>(
"The path for storing WAL of RocksDB.",
public static final ConfigListOption<String> DATA_DISKS =
new ConfigListOption<>(
"The optimized disks for storing data of RocksDB. " +
"The format of each element: `STORE/TABLE: /path/to/disk`." +
"Allowed keys are [graph/vertex, graph/edge_out, graph/edge_in, " +
"graph/secondary_index, graph/range_index]",
2.2 Extend custom tokenizer
The tokenizer needs to implement the interface org.apache.hugegraph.analyzer.Analyzer
, take implementing a SpaceAnalyzer space tokenizer as an example.
package org.apache.hugegraph.plugin;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Set;
import org.apache.hugegraph.analyzer.Analyzer;
public class SpaceAnalyzer implements Analyzer {
public Set<String> segment(String text) {
return new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(text.split(" ")));
3. Implement the plug-in interface and register it
The plug-in registration entry is HugeGraphPlugin.register()
, the custom plug-in must implement this interface method, and register the extension
items defined above inside it. The interface org.apache.hugegraph.plugin.HugeGraphPlugin
is defined as follows:
public interface HugeGraphPlugin {
public String name();
public void register();
public String supportsMinVersion();
public String supportsMaxVersion();
And HugeGraphPlugin provides 4 static methods for registering extensions:
- registerOptions(String name, String classPath): register configuration items
- registerBackend(String name, String classPath): register backend (BackendStoreProvider)
- registerSerializer(String name, String classPath): register serializer
- registerAnalyzer(String name, String classPath): register tokenizer
The following is an example of registering the SpaceAnalyzer tokenizer:
package org.apache.hugegraph.plugin;
public class DemoPlugin implements HugeGraphPlugin {
public String name() {
return "demo";
public void register() {
HugeGraphPlugin.registerAnalyzer("demo", SpaceAnalyzer.class.getName());
4. Configure SPI entry
- Make sure the services directory exists: hugegraph-plugin-demo/resources/META-INF/services
- Create a text file in the services directory: org.apache.hugegraph.plugin.HugeGraphPlugin
- The content of the file is as follows: org.apache.hugegraph.plugin.DemoPlugin
5. Make Jar package
Through maven packaging, execute the command in the project directory mvn package, and a Jar package file will be generated in the
target directory. Copy the Jar package to the plugins
directory when using it, and restart the service to take effect.